Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cancer Patients and their Emotions

        I`ve studied  many aspects of Cancer so far. I`ve learned about the disease, the Cancer Cells, and today I  researched how patients deal with Cancer. Everyone deals with their emotions differently. I`m focusing on how they deal with their emotions when they find out they have Cancer.

        Today I  went on several websites and I found up some very interesting things. I learned that people who are told they have Cancer think about dying with Cancer and not living with it. That upset me so much. It`s like as soon as they find out they just give up. That`s not how it should be though! This should make them more motivated to keep fighting for their lives. They have so much to live for and it just frustrates me so much! I think I want to talk to these people and try to make them realize this. I want to make a difference even though it may seem small.
         I also discovered that some people in order to cope with their feelings just shut everyone out. They shut their family and friends out. I`ve learned that some do this in order to not hurt anyone. They think that since they have this disease they should just shut everyone out. This is just worse. It doesn't really help anyone. It just frustrates everyone involved. I think it`s just so interesting how different people and personalities react differently to their diagnosis.


  1. Great research, I can tell you are reading quite a bit on this topic!

  2. This research is very interesting. It's sad too see that people think about dyeing right away. I wish there was a way that a doctor could tell a patient they have cancer and not have the person automatically think about death. I'm glad too see your research is going well.
